
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I know I have not been doing a great job of blogging, so I
figured it was about time,


You know you’re in Nicaragua when…

  1. You
    see a random herd of goats taking themselves for a walk down the street.
  2. Two
    grown men on one bike is not gay.
  3. You
    see a man pushing a wheel barrel of piglets down the street, stop to take
    a picture and YOU are considered the weirdo.
  4. Gringa
    becomes your pet name.
  5. A car
    horn becomes the new way to “just give a shout out”.
  6. Shout
    out to Kayla.
  7. You
    determine where to hang out based on who has a couch.
  8. You
    regularly eat dinner out of a banana leaf.
  9. It
    feels weird to be clean.
  10. You’ve
    forgotten what air conditioning feels like.
  11. 5’6 is
    considered abnormally tall.
  12. No
    matter the song, someone is clapping along with it. Most likely off beat.
  13. Seeing
    random drum lines in the street becomes second nature.
  14. You
    hear fireworks at all hours of the day. No one knows why.
  15. You
    wake up to two American songs and one Latina song playing full blast at
    the same time at the same place.
  16. They
    block off your street for the most intense pick-up soccer game ever.
  17.  You wake up and there is cat poop
    in your shower. Awesome.
  18. All
    the little kids call you Anita.
  19. You
    see a little boy peeing off his front porch onto the street at three in
    the afternoon.
  20. You meet
    a man who’s English consists of the sentence ” do you want to buy some

More next week if we feel like it.


8 responses to “You Know You’re in Nicaragua When…”

  1. Hi Anita,

    It feels weird to be clean when I’m at the farm. No bananas there though. I liked your list.

  2. Oh my Anne! Sounds like a different kind of world down there! What an experience.


    P.S. Bring me back a piglette please.

  3. “No matter the song, someone is clapping along with it. Most likely off beat.”…I’m guessing that YOU are the one that is off beat am I correct? 🙂 LOVE YOU ANNE!

  4. I’m kinda offended now.. Maybe that’s just the Nicarao Indians.. But I can relate to some of them!

  5. If its so bad why were you there? You make it seem like my country is full of barbaric people.