
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


I know this
may seem really different coming from me and strange compared to what we are
used to hearing but it is something amazing. At training camp one night we were
talking about the prophecy. 1 Corinthians 14:3 says that is it used to
strengthen, encourage, and comfort one another. It is a way for the Spirit to
lead us to speak words of truth to one another from the Father. The man who was
speaking called out a leader, Kyle, and talked about the vibe he got from him and
what he sees God doing with Kyle. Then as he kept talking he pointed to me and
came over. He said that He envisioned kids running up to me, and seeing and
feeling Jesus’ touch. He said that I would be a physical display of Jesus and
His love for the children. I was amazed and touched by this prophecy. That
night I prayed so much that God would open my Spirit up to him and this new
facet of Him. I wanted to know Him that way so that I could encourage other,
like I had been. I prayed to be awakened within so I could display His power,
might, tenderness, and personal love.

discipleship discussion last Friday we talked about Jesus and his disciples. In
Luke 9:1-2, Jesus gave the disciples the power and authority to drive out
demons, cure diseases, to preach the Kingdom and to heal the sick. We talked
about how God is still the same and since we are Jesus’ disciples and we have
the Holy Spirit in us, we have the same powers. Yes things have changed and you
don’t hear of these things often, but God is still the same. We still have him
and all His power over heaven and earth bestowed upon us. Yesterday I was going
through my prayer journal and I was reading everything I had written. I was
reminded of my prayer to be opened and for God to use me. We went to the convent
for our discipleship meeting and started out with a thirty-minute time of
prayer. During that time I was laying flat on my back. I began to feel a pulse
in my stomach right above my belly button. It was a hard knot and it was
specific to that certain spot. It was nowhere else and completely concentrated.
Then God gave me a vision. It was my hand reaching out and touching Jocelyn’s
tummy and her belly deflating. I knew immediately that God had just answered my
prayers. He had given me a vision and a way to be His hands and feet. He was
allowing me to have Jesus’ restoring touch. I then prayed for faith,
confidence, and to be unashamed. When the prayer finished Ruth immediately
asked me if I was ok. I told the girls what had just happened and Ruth said she
knew it. During the prayer she evidently had looked over at me and knew that
God was talking to me. She said she knew he was giving me a vision. Jessalyn
immediately quoted what the man has said about me being Jesus to the children.
It was so reassuring to open up and let it out only to have God confirm what He
had just told me.  As soon as we
could we packed up and went to see Jocelyn. I put my right hand on her stomach
and my left on mine in the same spot as the pulse. I prayed over her, weeping
and overflowing with amazement of God. I know that God was using me to heal
her. After a few minutes, I felt a fountain of joy in my soul and a blanket of
peace being laid over my body. I finished praying with full confidence that
when she goes in on the 28th to have her surgery, there will be
nothing to operate on.

God is
still in the miracle business! He was so gracious to grant me an answer to my
prayer and give me the faith to follow through. This is so unlike me to be open
and radical. This just shows me that I had God in a box, I asked him to break
free, and He did! There is no other way to explain what happened than God. I
also know that I acted out of obedience and in faith. I stepped out of my
comfort zone, and into a new realm of God. If God decides not to heal her
belly, that is His call. But I know I did what I was lead to do and God does
what He wants. All praise to God and His mighty power!!



One response to “WE ARE MARCHING!!”

  1. Our God is an awesome God. I heard the statement this past Sunday that one thing that separates Christians from believers of other faiths is the fact that God seeks us. In all other religions, believers are seeking their god through their works and practices. Praise God that you were and are being obedient to his call. To God be the glory!