
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey ya’ll, I’m Ruth.  I’m 18 years old, and I live in Georgia.  I’m from a big family; I have seven sisters and four brothers, and they’re my best friends.  I’ve grown up in a Christian home but God’s been working on me hardcore the past couple years, especially this past year, and I’m ready to do whatever he asks of me.  Working with kids and people who have disabilities makes me happy.  I almost always have a song in my head and I like to cook.  Ecclesiastes 3:11 is my life verse.  you should go look it up.  here’s a giant picture of me and my niece, Callie.

4 responses to “Ruth Daugherty”

  1. Hey! I’m very excited for this trip and to meet you 🙂 GOD IS ALWAYS GOOD!

  2. Hey Ruth!! My name is Annie Riggs and I’m excited to meet you and work with you in Nicaragua! I havent quite figured out the whole blog thing yet… but it’s coming.

  3. What an adorable picture. ELEVEN siblings!! I cannot begin to imagine! I can’t wait to hear stories about growing up in your family!

    <3, Heather