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redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written:
“Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” He redeemed us in order that the
blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so
that by faith we might receive the of the Spirit.” Galatians 3:13-14

definitions of redemption are: the act of buying back, to save by payment of a
ransom, or to rescue from trouble or sin. Redemption is one of the greatest
gifts we can ever receive from God. Christ came to be our ransom so we could be
redeemed and our relationship restored with the Father. Through the years I
have been aware of God’s mercy, grace, love and redemption, but until this week
I have never understood how redemption applies to my life.

may be really weird, but I am repulsed by myself. Some people perceive it as me
just being really humble, but I am completely nauseated by myself. I think that
I am horrible. I only see my flaws and examine and dwell on them. Some people
only see, think about, or know God as the kind, loving, comforter. And while I
know those are characteristics of God, I focus only the holiness of Him; He is
absolutely pure. Even on my best days, my brightest white is yellow compared to
how flawless and brilliant He is. I recognize that I am stained and unworthy. I
just cannot get past my disgust and awareness of my inequities to allow Him to
give me grace and love. I know that God desires to love me and He daily pours
love out on me. I cannot accept it though. I know who I am and how I am and why
in the world would God love me? I KNOW that God is using me and pursuing me. I
just struggle with beating myself up and focusing on how pathetic I am and not
embracing the power of redemption. Yesterday I was talking to Di and the kids
about my struggles. Di was talking about how God redeems things. He takes
nasty, broken, ruined things and redeems them. He restores them to the way that
they were meant to be before we came along and messed it up. I had never really
thought about redemption and what it means for me. I believe that God will
redeem me. He will make me whole and right in Him. He can restore my honor and
worth and fill me. It is amazing. I am still in awe of what is possible! This
new insight into the

majesty of God, has me excited for what else he is going
to redeem. He can choose to redeem Nicaragua and bring them out of their
poverty and perversion. He can fill their hearts with joy and hope. I am
encouraged that God did not give up on us, but gave us the opportunity to be


he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom
of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
–Colossians 1:14


2 responses to “Redemption”

  1. K- YOU AMAZE ME. You know that I know all of this and every time we talk about it i get tears in my eyes. Remember how we sing “Oh what a savior, SING THE SONG OF THE REDEEMED, we have found FAVOR in the eyes of Christ the King…” You have found favor. I pray that the Lord teaches you about his love more and more and I cant wait to hug you! I LOVE YOU KAYLA NELSON