
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Here is a photo blog! These are some pictures of some of the ministries we are involved in.
These are some pictures of the children´s program at a church called Luz Del Mundo (Light of the World).
This as you can tell is the dump, from what a couple of us have talked about in the past few blogs. I hope this gives you a better idea of what we mean.

Please lift up these people in your prayers, that they will have opportunities and God would show them how much He really does love them.
 This is the team, and on the rare occasion that we all look nice….haha 🙂

5 responses to “Pictures!”

  1. Wow, these are overwhelming pics. Thank you for sending them, Jess. They help us to imagine a little better what you all are blogging about. But I know they don’t tell the whole story; we are not seeing the whole thing, (the dump) we are not smelling the smells, and we are not looking into the eyes of the people. . . . our prayers are with you, and with the people of Nicaragua. Thank you all for being Jesus to them. May God break us so that we care for others just a fraction of the way that He cares for them.
    Lord have mercy on us all.
    Love you so much

  2. Dear Jess,

    Thanks for sending photos that let us literally see more of your ministry. You and your whole team continue to be in our thoughts and daily prayers.

    And thank you so much for being the hands and feet of Christ to the people of Nicaragua. May God reveal His grace, peace and hope to them through you.

    Cherie, Chris & Josh

  3. So happy to finally see the girls that Kayla is living with! It’s nice to put a face with the prayer! Miss you Kay!
    Love, Chey

  4. you girls look great! thanks for posting the pics, it’s great to see what yall have been up to. We love hearing all the incredible reports of how God is showing up in your midst as you walk in the Kingdom. Be encouraged and enjoy being His Beloved! you girls are cherished by your Father and He’s crazy in love with you!!

  5. Hey Jess: Thanksfor sending the pics. They say a lot regarding just how enormous the job is. So many of us just don’t realize just how fortunate we are.
    . I’m sure that those children you work with will remember always the love you share with them. God bless you honey and God bless those adorable children. Grandma Anna sends love.