
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey all! This is my first blog here in Nicaragua!
It is a lot like Costa Rica, for those of you from the CR team! The dynamics of the country are a little different though and not as wealthy as there. I have a team of 3 other girls and a leader that lives down here. It is a very small and intimate team and we love it!
We were in training camp in GA from Tuesday to Sunday. Training camp consisted of prayer, exercise, training about things such as drama and sermons in the mission field, and getting to know the team and form godly bonds together.
Our flight was a short 3 hour straight flight, and we arrived Sunday night. By now we are settled in and are figuring out what types of ministries we will be doing! At this point, we have helped in the barrio, which is a very poor and needy area, with a Feeding Program that is run the church. We will be doing that every week. We are also going to be working in a place for children with special needs called Corazones Contentos. Heather, our leader, has showed us Young Life, or Vida Joven, and we got to see what that was like here. The group, as well as two other men here went to a family’s house to pray for a little girl named Joselyn who has a hernia. We are boldly expecting God to heal her completely!
Next week we will have more of a set schedule and will have all our ministries planned out. This week we spent most of the time settling in and getting to know the area.
I have been blessed with an AMAZING team and can already see God working in our lives, and transforming us. Please continue to pray for us, more to come soon!

3 responses to “Nicaragua!”

  1. Jessalyn, thanks so much for the update. Chris, Josh and I are glad to know that you arrived safely and that you are part of such a great team. I can’t wait to hear more about your ministries and how God’s is working through you. You are in my prayers every day. Love ~ Cherie

  2. Jessalyn, your blog blesses me everytime I read it. I am so thankful that God let me be your mom.
    Please know that you are in our prayers daily, sometimes constantly. I pray God’s spirit, the Spirit of “power and love and a sound mind” fills you to overflowing and puts out any darkness. I pray that as He does this His light will shine so brightly and perfectly in your heart and in your life that He becomes, more and more each day, your all in all. I pray for the people where you are who so desperately need Him, whose physical needs are so huge that only God could fill them. I pray that He supplies EVERY thing that you all need. And I pray for the people on your team also, that He is giving to each one His love in such full measure. (And I also thank HIM for these wonderful ones who serve with you!)
    We are doing well, missing you terribly but so very glad that you have finally gotten to where you have felt the Lord was leading you. Eli, bless his heart, is GREAT. He understood all you told him and has not had many episodes of melancholy “wailing” for you at all. He accepts our comfort; this is definitely a “God-thing,” thank you Jesus!
    Haley is doing so well with our first days of homeschooling and still says that she is so happy (I think relieved is a good word to describe it). I am slowly getting better at being a teacher and figuring out the curriculum. Dad is busy and fall is here at the church, but he is doing well. Julie, Bill & Will are here often (mostly at mealtimes. . . . .)you know how thankful we are for that. We LOVED our night with Anita Renfroe you got us; she was hilarious and Miss Judy went with us; it was such a nice evening and we all said we need to do it more often. So all is well here, thank the Lord.
    He is SO GOOD. Bless Him, and bless you all. We love you love you love you!!!!

  3. Good to hear from you and to know that you are doinng what makes you happy. I will continue to pray for you. I don’t know if I’m doing this right but if I am I will bring you up to date on what is happening in my life. Grandma Anna sends oodles of love.