
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


This is an interesting topic to write about. I think by giving expectations, it limits what I think God is able to do. I do not want to put confines on what I am expecting Him to do. I know that He will rock my world and shatter all the expectations that I have and even ones that I did not know were there. So I pray that He will show up in every way that we could expect and then go beyond that to show His awesomeness.

Ok so my expectations…I hope that God uses this time to nurture me and grow me in Him. I pray that I will come home from this with a much better sense of who I am in Christ. I also would like to bring home a confidence and urgency to share the Word here in the States. I hope that the harvest is ripe in Nicaragua and we are able to lead people to Christ, even if it is only by our actions.