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Location Description:
Nicaragua is the largest nation in Central America, and contains regions of thick rain forests, rugged highlands, and fertile farming areas. About half of Nicaragua‘s territory consists of the eastern lowlands, known as the Mosquito Coast, which extend 40 miles inland from the Caribbean. This area once contained extensive stands of tropical hardwoods, but most have been cut. Tropical rain forest covers much of the area, threaded with rivers that begin in the highlands and empty into the Caribbean.

Nicaragua‘s climate is tropical, with temperatures determined largely by elevation. The coastal regions have a hot climate, with a mean average temperature of 81°F. In the central highlands, the temperature varies between 60° and 80°F. The rainy season occurs from May until early November.

People & Religion:

Nicaragua is the most urban country in Central America. Its people are mostly mestizos (mixed European and Native American descent). The population is 69% mestizo, 17% European descent, 9% African descent, and 5% indigenous peoples.

Spanish is the language of Nicaragua, but English and several Indian languages are spoken on the Caribbean coast. Nicaraguans of African descent, known as Creoles, dominate the towns along the Caribbean coast. Coming from the British West Indies, notably Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, they speak English and are largely Protestants. The mestizo population of western Nicaragua is predominantly Spanish-speaking and Roman Catholic.

The main religion is Catholicism (73%), although there are several Protestant sects (16%), such as the Pentecostals and Baptists.

5.4 million

-Poverty Rate:
50% live below the poverty line; highest in rural areas
An estimated 82% of the population survives on less than $1 a day. In the eastern lowlands, poverty levels exceed 90%.

-Literacy Rate:
65.7% of Nicaraguans age 15 and over can read and write.
-Average Annual Income:

$710 U.S.

Ministry Description:
• You will minister in the area of Granada to children who are products of many single parent families and are looking for the love that only Christ can provide.

• You will have the opportunity to build relationships with the amazing people of Nicaragua who are looking for hope.

• Be a part of something new and exciting by helping with different construction projects throughout the area that has been ravaged by war and natural disasters.