
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   You know those moments you sometimes have when something happens that irrevocably alters your perspective?  I feel like my life right now is a series of those moments.  I have a lot of different stories – most of you will probably hear them at some point – but Tuesdays are on my heart right now. 
   On Tuesday mornings, we take a meal to the people who work at Granada´s city dump.  It ain´t like the Jones County dump.  For starters, it´s huge, and it´s not metal bins filled with bags – it´s just a giant pile of trash.  There are dozens of vultures and a handful of cows picking through the trash ( an excellent argument for vegetarians, should I ever decide to become one).  The air is so polluted that it makes me wish breathing were optional.  The worker´s job is to sort through the trash and find things are can be recycled:  they´re paid for what they find, not the amount of time worked.  Alot of the workers bring their kids.  I hung out with a couple this week.  Maria is 4, and she was carrying around her sister Madelina, who is a year old.  They´re both completely adorable, and they were filthy from head to toe.  When I lifted Madelina into my lap, I realized that she wasn´t wearing a diaper and her denim jumper was soaked through.  I went back to El Puente an hour later and took a shower – she most likely went to bed without one.  She literally spends all day, every day, in total filth.  She plays in garabage and broken glass barefooted, and the dogs she plays with have mange.  And it breaks my heart, because she´s just barely older than my niece, and Madelina´s life is so incredibly far removed from Callie´s, simply because she was born a 3 hour plane ride away.  I´m realizing that I´m not going to be able to go home and see things the same way.  Going back to my bubble isn´t going to work for me. 
   And I don´t know, you know?  I don´t know how to fix everything, or even anything.  All I´m doing is helping other people minister, giving hugs and holding kids, praying, and hoping that I´m somehow showing someone Jesus.  It´s not enough.  I am not enough.  But Paul said ´The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love´ (Galations 5:6), so I´m asking God for more faith and trying to love the way he loves me. 
´Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.´ -James 2:18
Shout out to my little people….I love you and omgsh, I miss you.  and Joshua, I am so making you a banana pudding when I get home, because I love you.  and also because I want some.

7 responses to “Just Some Words.”

  1. Ruth,
    I am sitting here in the chemo room, getting fluids at UAMS in Little Rock. Just read your message, and tears flooded my eyes. God is doing amazing things through you, and you are right; you will never be the same!

    I have a dismissal appt. today, and I am thinking that banana pudding sounds real good to me too!!!

    Mrs. Donna

  2. Dear Ruth,
    I tried to read the article but the tears kept getting in the way. It is true…we cannot fix it…but we can be there for one person and try to love that one person that God places in our path for that one moment of our life and then move on to the next moment. No it is not enough…but that is all we have to give and we have to trust God with the rest. I am overwhelmed for you and just asked God to be you strength for this day and to comfort you. I, too, send these to Whitney to read to Katelyn….thank you for sharing.
    Miss Linda

  3. Dear Ruth,
    You will never know what that hug, that prayer, what went through that precious child’s mind as you held her, meant until you get to heaven and your Savior…OUR SAVIOR…says well done my good and faithful servant! You are not there to fix anything but to do exactly what you are doing right now and that is sharing God’s love. Oh, how blessed we are and how I thank God for willing servants like yourself!!
    Love and prayers!

  4. My dear sweet Ruth,

    I can hear your heart if heavy. So is mine. We are where we are because of GRACE. You’ve heard Jesus call and are doing what He told you to do. Keep doing that. If only all of his people would hear HIM. I am thanking HIM now for your tenderness and compassion and pray that you will always be so. Your willingness to serve our LORD has so inspired me. I love you for it.

    With love and prayers,
    Del Fuller

  5. Ruth, what a picture you painted for us with your story. Thank you for your willingness to allow God to use you and for sharing what you are doing with His help.

    Mrs. Charis

  6. Ruth,
    It’s life-altering isn’t it? It is impossible to live in another country and come back to America the same. I am SO excited to see G-d at work in your heart and life! Keep shining brightly!

  7. Jess: this artical so, well written, makes me realize that those of us who live in relative comfort have no idea just how other parts of the world live. I can’t put into words just how proud I am of you and your team who are trying to add a little love to the less fortunate. God bless you all. FYI I share this info with Grandma Anna who sends her love.
    I continue to pray for you and hope tao see you on your return. God bless, GrandmaFlo