
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We were asked to write about how we were called to this missions trip. Here is my story… I grew up in a Christian home with a loving family. We all went to church and I accepted Christ at a young age. The summer after my freshmen year of high school, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. We underwent twenty-two months of fighting, but in the spring of my junior year she died. Through my junior and senior years of high school my walk with Christ became a roller coaster with high highs and low lows. Shortly after graduation I had been struggling and praying for God to change my life. I was tired of the feelings I had felt for so long. I googled christian missions and ended up at AIM’s site. After talking it over with my family and praying about it, I realized that this is the opportunity God has given me. I have always dreamed of doing something like this, and I am so blessed that God has made my dream a reality. Through my struggles and tribulations I want to share with others His love and compassion because without it, I would not be where I am today!

One response to “How I was called to the missions field”

  1. Dear Anne,
    Hello. My name is Helen and I must say that I am really impressed by your story. Here’s what I want to know: what were some of the “high highs” you experienced? Were they friends, family school? I have a feeling that it was one friend in particular that gave you some of those “high highs” you mentioned. Well anyway I would just like to let you know that you write with great eloquence and grace. I would love to grab a coffee sometime and chat with you about those “high highs and low lows”. I have a feeling you know where to reach me. If for some reason I do not answer, it is because I’m tending to this small village that I am in charge of. Let me leave you with a favorite bible quote of mine: There is a time and place for everything under Heaven- Ecclesiates 3. Goodbye, I hope to hear from you soon! 🙂
