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Thoughts & Inspiration


I was raised in a Christian home and I have attended church all my life. I was saved and baptized when I was six and continued to live like a well behaved Christian girl. When I was fifteen I began attending the high school group at my church and I realized that I was not seeking a personal relations ship, but more just a comforter. From that time on, God has been so much more real to be and teaching me all the time. When I was seventeen, my dad, little sister and I went on a mission trip for Spring Break. It was an amazing experience and I really felt God whispering to me that this is what my deepest hearts desire is. While the trip was awesome and I learned so much, I was still in high school and there was not much more I felt I could do. So the next year we returned and once again God was nudging my heart. I was not sure if I was being called to just missions or that place in particular. Since, I have been to a few other places and been able to witness how God is moving in different counties, cultures, and people around the world. A mentor told me about AIM and the opportunities they have.  I researched AIM and quickly became aware of the longer length trips that they offer and knew immediately this is what I am supposed to do at this time in my journey. So I am signed up and ready to go to Nicaragua!

My God is the God who provides!