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 “Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


What is the Lord’s will for His followers? To be thankful. No matter the circumstance, we are told to have joy and give thanks. How often we forget that any good thing we have or that happens to us is a blessing from God. Here is a small list of the things I am thankful for right now.

  1. My incredible parents that always support me and love me unconditionally. I would not be where I am in life without them, as well as Haley, Eli and Will, my 3 favorite children in the world.
  2. My sister, Julie, who has always been my best friend, and who I will never get sick of hanging out with.
  3. All my extended family and relatives, every single one of them are a blessing to me in some way.
  4. My church family (CUMC) and friends who supported me through prayer and finances. I would have not been able to come on this trip if it weren’t for them. I am so thankful for all of it!
  5. The fact that I never need to worry about what to eat or drink, I have more than I need every single day.
  6. The team I am with-Annie (the girl who provides moral support and comic relief), Ruth (our pillar of sanity who is fun to hang out with when caffinated), and Heather (our crazy, fearless leader with a cool body trick). God knew what He was doing when He placed us together! And since we’re on the topic of my community, I’ll give thanks for Bekah and Frank, Julie and Joe, Seth and Baker, the Hickerson family J
  7. LAUGHTER! The Holy Spirit gives joy, and He has filled me to overflowing.
  8. Forgiveness. My Creator loved me enough to want to make a huge sacrifice for all the horrible things I do, so that He could have an intimate relationship with me.
  9. The fans in our rooms, we would be very hot without them.
  10. Our health! We are healthy now.
  11. The small, annoying,bugs that are everywhere…actually I´m not so thankful for them…
  12. Lame jokes.
  13. Happy birthday songs at 5:15 in the morning.
  14. The freedom I have only in Jesus…I have never experienced anything like it.
  15. The Lord knew the desires of my heart, and lined His will up with them. He gave me the opportunity to come to Nicaragua.
  16. Good music.
  17. Grama and cocao drinks.
  18. Sunsets in Nicaragua.