
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this trip.
I am expecting and hoping for so many things, both personally and for other people.
First, it is my heart’s desire to be used by God to change lives of those without hope. I have come to believe that I need to expect amazing things to happen by the Lord, so I want Him to use this team and this trip to reach those who are in need and without knowing the beauty of His salvation and freedom! He can do whatever He wants, and I want this trip to be used for His glory and His kingdom!
I also want to personally be shaken and broken to the point of complete surrender to God. I want to see the world and people the way He sees them, and have my heart change to match His. I think the Lord is going to change everything I know about missions, and about His children; both the people of Nicaragua and the team!