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Thoughts & Inspiration

   I’ve started writing this blog three times and didn’t finish because I couldn’t think of any real expectations other than platitudes/made up ones.  I try, in general, to avoid expectations and just take life as it comes, but that’s kind of hard to do when it involves 3 months of my life.  I was laying outside tonight, looking at the stars and talking to Jesus, and I decided that my main expectation is that my life will become what I want it to be now – all about Jesus.  I know people are always saying that home can be your mission field, and that’s legit and all, but I’m really excited about 3 months with none of the distactions that are part of my everyday.  I’m hoping that 3 months of waking up and having every day set aside for the express purpose of serving Jesus will carry over when I come home.  I also feel like God has really been working on me lately, because honestly, I’m not very good at loving people.  I’m learning, though, I’m working on it and praying about it, and I know that this trip is going to be a big part of what God’s trying to get through my head. 
     The assignment says to talk about your worries – I know I’m going to get homesick.  Not even a question.  I’m really tight with my family and I know it’s going to be hard for me to not be here when my niece starts walking and stuff like that – but I also know that being where God wants me to be is a good idea.  So.  That’s pretty much all I got. 