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Thoughts & Inspiration

2 Timothy 1:7-8
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline. So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord.”
 Well this is the second week in Nicaragua! I learn more and love it more each day. Recently God has been giving me a peace that truly surpasses understanding. I felt some anxiety at the beginning about being away from the ones I loved for so long, and at times I allowed myself to dwell on the fear of something happening while I was gone. But God has taken that out of me completely, and has filled me with His joy and grace! I haven’t experienced this much freedom and peace in years. To GOD be the glory!
We have been putting lots of projects together this week. On Monday mornings we are doing a children’s program at a church called Luz del Mundo. It will include music, games, art activities, things like that. Then in the afternoon we will be working at a Girl’s Home for girls who have been taken out of their homes because of bad family situations. We help them with homework and get free time to play after that, and give them special attention.
On Tuesdays, we go to the dump to take food to the workers. They work for extremely little money, if anything, and spend so much of their time in burning trash. Some of them also bring their children. So we take and serve a meal to them. In the afternoons, we are doing a Literacy Project at the library at the place we live. Children from the neighborhood come to listen to stories and do activities, and it helps them with their reading skills.
 Wednesdays we cook at a Feeding Program in the barrio, for children who don’t have much to eat throughout the week. It is run by a church called Torre Fuerte, meaning Strong Current. We spend time having a bible study with the team in the afternoons.
 On Thursday morning, we will be doing full morning lessons and activities at the Special School called Corazones Contentos. The teachers and administration are trying to perfect the association and school, so during those couple hours we will be leading the students in different things.
 In the afternoons we do something called Jicaro; its a type of fruit that grows and falls off a tree. Us, along with the youth from Vida Joven, Young Life, cut it, shape it, clean and sand it to become bracelets, earrings, and candles. It give the youth of the community something to do to earn money and the money goes to Vida Joven.
Fridays are our communication and other bible study day. Saturdays are “family day”, so we do something fun with the team!
Continue keeping us in your prayers, we truly serve an awesome God!