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Thoughts & Inspiration

Yo, it’s Ruth on Kayla’s blog, mine is having some struggles….so here goes – I’m not so good at writing blogs, so I wrote a list of stuff I’ve learned in the past 3 weeks.
1) My God is not safe, but he is good.
2) I probably should have paid attention to my Spanish lessons.
3) I don’t have to understand the language of a worship service to know that God is there.
4) Sunsets look better when you’re sitting in a tree.
5) If I get hurt / die in Nicaragua, it will probably be because I fell out of a tree.
6) The book of Isaiah is all kinds of awesome.
7) I am spoiled, and you probably are, too.
8) God does not need my help.
9) Washing clothes by hand is more fun than it looks.
10) My clothes probably won’t actually be clean until I get home.
11) ‘Ruth’ does not work in Spanish.
12) ‘How He Loves’ is on the list of best worship songs ever.
13) Georgia is hot, but Nicaragua is HOT.
14) I am grateful for lawnmowers.  Cutting grass with a machete looks miserable.
15) God is bigger than the box I tried to put him in.
16) Kids don’t really care if you can’t talk to them – they just want hugs
17) Sometimes God tells you to do really random stuff.  You should do it.
18) Writing a story about a boy, a girl, a teacher, a dolphin, and a starfish in Spanish is hard.
19) My God is an all-or-nothing God.
dueces, yo.