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Thoughts & Inspiration

1) ´consecration means the continual seperating of myself to one particular thing.  We cannot consecrate once and for all.´- Oswald Chambers
2)  Watching someone try to break a language barrier by acting out what they´re saying is really entertaining.
3)  When all attempts at communication fail, you should just yell ´Jesus loves you!´and/or ´Jesus te ama!
4)  I can´t dance, but Annie can. 🙂
5)  God heals.
6)  Ziploc bags filled with water and hung from the ceiling may or may not keep the bugs away, but they make sweet decorations.
7)  I like people who say things like ´Satan just ticks me off.´
8)  The Spanish birthday song lasts forever.  But really.  It has like 9 verses.
9)  Spontaneous prayer meetings are awesome.
10)  A conservative church´s worship service here is way better than a conservative worship service in the states.  I want to take all the grumpy christians I know to church with me and be like see, this is joy.  Jesus wants you to have some.
11)  I don´t know if this counts as something I learned, but I played soccer for the first time in my life.  and it was awesome.
12)  Special needs schools are alot different here, but the people in them still make me happier than anything else in life.
13)  Latin rythm plus no inhibitions = trouble.
14) I like the book of Habakkuk.  you should check it out, it´s kind of awesome.